Meet The Band

Denna'Marie - Lead Vocals

Denna is one of the most energetic and riveting performers you’ll ever lay your eyes on. Her vocals are impeccable, and her showmanship is off the charts. Whether she’s “rockin’ out” top 40 Ballad or Rock Anthem Denna is pure star power.

Gareth Huggett - Lead Vocals

Gareth Huggett, hailing from London, he hit the Band like a Southerly buster with his dynamic performance and such a powerhouse voice. He has a big range and can put a harmony on anything for great backing vocals. Very experienced, songwriter, guitar player, harmonica player, and is known for his rapport with an audience and can get people up on their feet and dancing.

Anthony Polito - Lead and Backing Vocals

Anthony Polito a truly a commanding presence on stage. When He walks on stage, you know He's here to sing. And boy does he sing. The roof will rattle, the floor will shake, the angels will sing. Well, the angel is already on stage...

Ben Pisani - Bass Guitar and Musical Director

Ben Pisani is a talented bassist who is almost as fun to watch as the lead singer. As Ben completely throws himself into the music, his love for live performances becomes obvious to everyone. Ben’s powerful rhythms are one of the key elements that drive the band forward and keep energy levels high.

Rino Lentini - Drums

Rino Lentini is an extraordinary drummer who provides a thunderous power and steady beat to go along with his inventive percussive ideas, making him the backbone of Rewind Rock Band. Rino’s technical proficiency and impressive musicality provide a powerful framework that helps give the band their superior sound.

Matthew Hadgraft - Keyboards / Vocals

Matthew Hadgraft is one of the most in demand keyboard players in Melbourne; Matthew dazzles the crowd with his incredible keyboarding antics. Matthew’s influences include Jazz, Rock, Theatre and Classical music. Matthew is a gift to all who experience him, and a wave of fun and good times. And Matthew is also an Elton John and Peter Allen Tribute artist, you may be lucky, and he may sing a few songs for you..

Ange Cala - Lead/Rhythm Guitar

Ange Cala, if you like tight rhythm guitar playing, and great tone, you will love Ange’s wicked skills on Rhythm and lead guitar. But in addition to being one of the tightest guitarists in Melbourne, Ange also possesses amazing vocal skills that always command attention. You may be lucky and witness Ange rocking all around the stage.

Liam Ekeberg - Lead Guitar

Liam Ekeberg on Lead Guitar - Every great band needs a great guitarist. Enter Liam, Fresh on the cover scene. His guitar playing is 2nd to none, with his great ability to wow a crowd. Liam is a priceless asset to any band! Liam is the Man, the myth, the legend and a furious guitar shredder.